Your student life really begins when you pick up the keys to your very own student accommodation.
Pick up your keys
You are welcome to pick up your keys at SGS Customer Service, Kaserntorget 11, from 12 noon at the earliest to 4 p.m at the latest on the day you move in. According to the Tenancy Act, it is not possible for us to hand out keys earlier than 12 noon.
If the move-in day falls on a Saturday, Sunday or other public holiday, you may not move in until the following weekday, and even then you can collect the keys no earlier than 12 noon.
Plan for long queues on move-in day as many students pick up their keys. If you are not going to move into your home on move-in day, we recommend that you pick up your keys on one of the following days when the queues are significantly shorter. You can then collect the keys between 9 a.m and 4 p.m.
Since SGS Customer Service is located in central Gothenburg, we recommend that you get here by public transport, bicycle or on foot. There are no parking facilities.
To be able to hand out keys, you must have the following with you:
- Proof of identification.
- Receipt for paid rent (can be in the mobile phone).
If you are not able to retrieve your keys yourself, you can give someone a power of attorney to do so. The power of attorney must be witnessed and signed by two external witnesses.
When you move into your new home, it is inspected.
Go through the inspection report, you will find it on My pages. If there is damage or defects to the apartment or if inventories are missinghat are not included in the inspection report, you must report this to us within 10 days of the start of your contract. Otherwise, you risk being held liable for damages you did not cause. You make such a report via the fault report on "my pages".
How do I read the inspection report?
In the column “Utlåtande” there are six options. What do these mean?
Godkänd - Approved
Without remark.
Godkänd med anmärkning - Approved with remark
This is a note of minor cosmetic defects and will not be fixed.
Åtgärdas av SGS - To be fixed by SGS
The fault/defect will be fixed by SGS after the new tenant has moved in. The vacating tenant will not be charged.
Åtgärdas av SGS och debiteras - To be fixed by SGS and charged
The tenant has caused the fault/defect and the cost of fixing it will be charged to the vacating tenant. If you want to fix it yourself and thus avoid being charged, you have the opportunity to do so before moving out. Notify SGS in this case.
Åtgärdas av HG eller debiteras - To be fixed by tenant or charged
The fault/defect must be fixed by the vacanting tenant before moving out. Otherwise, SGS will fix the fault/defect and charge the costs.
Åtgärdas av extern fastighetsägare - To be fixed by external property owner
The fault/defect will be fixed by the external property owner after the new tenant has moved in. This applies where SGS rents the apartment from another owner. The vacating tenant will not be charged.
If you find any unclear points in the report, please contact us immediately.
You can find inspection reports on My pages.
Cleaned accommodation
Your home should have been cleaned by the previous tenant. We check this through random cleaning inspections.
If you are not satisfied with the cleaning, you must make a complaint to SGS Customer Service on the day you pick up the keys so that we can perform a cleaning inspection to help you.
Furnished accommodation
- Check that all things on the inventory list are in your apartment when you move in, if something is missing contact SGS Customer Service. (The inventory list can be found under each area).
- You can not deselect certain furniture, the furniture comes complete according to the list.
- Textiles, such as curtains and shower curtains, are not included in the furnishing, nor are light bulbs, kitchen equipment and blinds.
- The furniture can be of different types of wood, colors, shapes and condition.
- If you would rather use your own furniture during your stay, that is fine, but you are always responsible for the furniture that is included, regardless of where you store it.
Take over the previous tenant's furniture
If you, as a moving-in tenant, are to take over furniture from the previous tenant, you must fill in the form "Form for taking over furnishings or equipment" and submit it to SGS Customer Service before you move into your accommodation. You can find the form here.