How do I read the inspection report?

Before the inspection you will receive an e-mail and a message on My Pages, stating the time for inspection. For your own sake it’s preferable you attend the inspection. Before the inspection, all apartment equipment such as doors, hat rack, curtain fittings etc. should be mounted in its proper place. Non-standard equipment, such as wall mirrors, carpets etc should not be left to the next tenant. If left behind, we will remove them on your expense. If you are unsure what equipment is standard or not, please contact us before the inspection. In furnished apartments all furniture on the inventory list should be in the apartment. Otherwise we might need to charge you for the costs of finding or replacing them.

How do I read the inspection report?

In the column “Utlåtande” there are six options. What do these mean?

Godkänd - Approved

Without remark.

Godkänd med anmärkning - Approved with remark

This is a note of minor cosmetic defects and will not be fixed.

Åtgärdas av SGS - To be fixed by SGS

The fault/defect will be fixed by SGS after the new tenant has moved in. The vacating tenant will not be charged.

Åtgärdas av SGS och debiteras - To be fixed by SGS and charged

The tenant has caused the fault/defect and the cost of fixing it will be charged to the vacating tenant. If you want to fix it yourself and thus avoid being charged, you have the opportunity to do so before moving out. Notify SGS in this case.

Åtgärdas av HG eller debiteras - To be fixed by tenant or charged

The fault/defect must be fixed by the vacanting tenant before moving out. Otherwise, SGS will fix the fault/defect and charge the costs.

Åtgärdas av extern fastighetsägare - To be fixed by external property owner

The fault/defect will be fixed by the external property owner after the new tenant has moved in. This applies where SGS rents the apartment from another owner. The vacating tenant will not be charged.


If you find any unclear points in the report, please contact us immediately.

You can find inspection reports on My pages.