Electricity and hot water prices
The electricity used in the home is measured and charged by SGS. The same applies to hot water if there is a meter. The charge for electricity and hot water is added to the rent. The tenant must not sign any own electricity contract or water subscription. Current prices are forElectricity SEK 3.20 per kilowatt hour including VAT and for hot water SEK 92 per cubic meter including VAT.
The prices must correspond to SGS's cost prices. The electricity price includes both fixed and variable fees for electricity as well as electricity grid and energy tax. Correspondingly, the hot water price covers fixed and variable charges for the water itself, as well as all charges for the energy used to heat the water.
The purpose of measuring and charging consumption in the home is that the tenant should only have to pay for what is actually used. Those who manage to economize on electricity and hot water then receive a lower fee than those who use more. The costs are that way distributed more fairly and the rent is not affected by how much the neighbors use.